First Republic of Armenia Centennial Conference
May 11-12, 2018 at Columbia University, New York - Organized by the ARF Eastern Region USA
Featuring (L to R): Professors Hagop Balian, Richard Hovannisian, Ashot Melkonyan, and Ronald Suny, among others
Friday, May 11--Opening plenary will be held on Columbia University’s campus at 501 Northwest Corner Building (550 W. 120th St, New York, N.Y. 10027)
Saturday, May 12 Sessions--All sessions will take place in 329 and 428 Pupin Hall (538 West 120th St., New York, NY 10027)
Saturday Keynote Luncheon will take place at Columbia University’s Faculty House (64 Morningside Drive, New York, N.Y. 10027)
Covers panels and presentations for entire weekend, with the exception of Saturday luncheon
Please present valid student ID at conference with your registration. Covers entire weekend with exception of Saturday luncheon.
Cost to attend the keynote luncheon featuring Professor Richard Hovannisian
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